OG30-Energy raupapa EU mono 2.1A kotahi riihi taiepa USB
Taipitopito Hua
1.Energy Euro 2.1He tauranga tauranga kotahi.Ka taea te whakakii i nga wahanga o te wa ka mohio ake ki te poihere i to wa utu nui.
2.Stable nohopuku utunga i te maramara pai.Adopt te iti-ngaohiko 2.1A otinga tiketike-naianei ki te tautoko i te momo o te kawa utu tere- pa me te haere.
3.2.1A waea pukoro o naianei he haumaru te utu.
4. Whanui hototahi kawa-maha. Tautoko Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO-plus me etahi atu tauira auraki te utu uira.
5.Original with 2.1A data cable.With the original Type-C/Micro/ Lightning cable fast charging more efficient, 30% tere atu i te tere whanui o te taura raraunga.
6.Multi-intelligent protection Safe fast charging.After charging is turn on, multiple intelligent protection is turn on to actively protect you Overthinking ati, ensure safe charging.
7.PC + ABS material fireproof.Ko te anga he mea hanga mai i te taonga tiaki taiao kawemai, he pai ake te utu.
8.1000MM te kounga teitei TPE waea.Taumea kiri-kiri, kia taea e koe te whakamahi atu mahana toia haehae me te whakakopa ātete, whakamahia rite e hiahia ana koe.
Te Whakaahua Taipitopito